This is who we are

We have a lot of B.A. and M.Sc. degrees in this and that.
We are also humans, and really nice ones. We make an awesome team with all our little quirks and that is what really matters. Click on our names to find out more!



Fridrik is not only a famous salsa dancer; he is also the founder of Eskimos. Since 2000, his company has grown to be one of the leading travel agencies in Iceland, known for its responsiveness and personal services.


Jean Didier

General Manager

It's a bit embarrassing for the rest of us, but this Frenchman's knowledge of Iceland is way better than the average Icelander's, including the rest of the office. In his free time he plays darts and he honestly does have the potential to become a professional dart player. Also, he grows the most complex and sturdy beard, making him more of a Viking than any of us!

Jean Didier

Anna Caroline


Meet Anna Caroline, a diploma-drenched dynamo with a passion for all things outdoors! Whether she's scaling academic peaks or exploring the beauty of nature, she's a force to be reckoned with. Iceland's Þórsmörk holds a special place in her heart; she's equally passionate about cultivating her private vegetable garden, sowing and reaping a cornucopia of flavors. And when it comes to Iceland, she's not just a travel pro—she's practically a walking encyclopedia. Ask her anything about this magical land, and you're sure to be amazed!

Anna Caroline



Hugo's job description says Marketing & Products, but it should really say wizardry. He is the one who saves the office from "computer says no" problems. By night, he is a foodie, vinyl enthusiast, and DJ, and by day, he is a meticulous, thorough, and amazing individual. He also serves as the chairman of our office's social calendar, organizing all of our fun outings (which are always a lot of fun!). He also enjoys any activity with a racquet and is one of several staff members who speaks French fluently. Remember to ask about his favorite taco truck! 


Jun Þór

Travel Expert

Jun is the person you want to contact to organise thought-through group tours and incentives. He will make sure everything goes smoothly and is coordinated and operated perfectly. Reliable and responsible, he has also many years of experience in Icelandic tourism as a licensed driver-guide and therefore knows his way around the country. Jun has lived and worked in as many as 10 countries, including Japan, Greenland, and Mozambique. On a personal note, Jun is a cat lover who spends his time swimming in Reykjavík‘s many pools and enjoys analysing international politics as well as relaxing while watching comedy.

Jun Þór


Sustainability Expert

Tamara is the calm one, researching everything possible about how to make tourism more sustainable, and definitely a bit of a sustainability geek. She is making Eskimos as responsible and sustainable as possible, and checking the recycling bins is her obsession. Apart from that, she grew up in a hotel owner family in Switzerland, has worked in sustainability in many different fields, and has moved 27 times. She is a polyglot and has lived in 5 countries. She sang in experimental choirs in London and loves traveling, especially discovering places that are not on everyone’s bucket list and slow traveling.




Ooh, how much you don‘t know about Inga, other than being one of the nicest persons you will ever meet, she is a former beauty queen of the North and once the Icelandic Glíma champion. Inga is of course much more than just a pretty face and strong muscles, she has the brains and the organizing skills as well, so if you want your holiday in good hands, Inga is your expert!


Andri Þór

Travel Expert

Andri is the most relaxed person in the office, which may well be down to the fact that he was raised in California. He never removes his Oakland Athletics cap, though we are not even sure if he actually likes baseball. He owns the most impressive collection of vinyls in Iceland and for him, a good Friday evening entails enjoying some classic ‘90s tunes while swigging the cheapest beer to be found in the alcohol store. One piece of advice: don’t call him on Tuesdays! He has his weekly poker game every Monday so he might not be in the mood.

Andri Þór


Travel Expert

Jennifer is another asset to our German-speaking team. Living in Iceland for more than a decade, she knows it all. Not only is she an organization talent at Eskimos, she’s also a mother of two, studying at university, and a board member of one of the biggest labor unions here in Iceland—clearly a multi-talent. If she’s not busy working or studying, then you can probably find her training for her next dog show. It might sound like a weird hobby at first, but she and her 80-kg pup, Caesar, are actually really successful at it! Otherwise, she really likes to travel and enjoy some off-time with her family in the Icelandic countryside. So if you are looking for an adventurous but relaxed family vacation, she’s your go-to person.



Travel Expert & HR Project Manager

Caroline is the coolest of us all! She actually moved to Iceland for its climate! Icelanders laugh when they hear this, but she loves the cold, and the long, dark winter evenings don´t bother her. On the contrary, it´s perfect for our board game Nerd! Her passion for board games is unbelievable, to the extent that she even has an Excel sheet for her collection and keeps track of the games she´s played. She applies this organizational skill even when designing your trip! We believe that her strategic thinking leads to designing the best trip in Iceland for you!




Our Þóra is a mystery to us—how does she do it? This former Reykjavík party girl turned calm country belle has extensive knowledge of our beautiful country. A simple day tour will turn into a magical adventure in her hands. Not only has Þóra traveled extensively around our amazing island, but her exotic adventures abroad give us the chills. She has traveled the highlands of Iceland under dancing Northern lights during the cold winter nights and walked the edge of a bubbling volcano in Nicaragua. What a superwoman! And even though nowadays you will probably find her cuddled up with a good red wine in her cute country house, you can drag the party girl out on the town with a promise of a good tequila!



Travel Expert

Alba is one of our Spanish-speaking agents. She is from Spain but came to Iceland in 2017. Her knowledge about Iceland is amazing and way better than the average Icelander’s. She works so hard on making the best trips in Iceland that she even skips eating lunch, but that is also because she likes her lunch a little later as she is used to from Spain. We are very lucky to have her on our team with her super power organizing skills. In her free time, she likes exploring Iceland, traveling, and visiting her home back in Spain, as well as going dancing to Latin music or chilling with a glass of wine at her penthouse downtown.



Travel Expert

Jóhanna is one of our Spanish-speaking agents at the office, she might be Icelandic but is Dominican at heart. And it shows; you’ll always hear some background Latin music coming from her earphones at the office. And you’ll find her on the weekends somewhere downtown, showing off her dance moves. She enjoys being outdoors with her very cute Dalmatian, Talía; and traveling. She used to hop from airport to airport as a flight attendant; now we’re lucky to have her in Iceland, organizing the most fun trips at Eskimos!


Loïc Björn


Loïc is not only a travel expert; he can whip himself into virtually any role we need. He can guide, cook, dance, speak Japanese, bake amazing cakes... the list of his many talents goes on forever. Mostly, he’s just a really nice guy and a total gentleman who’ll plan your Iceland itinerary down to the tiniest details to make sure it’s the trip of a lifetime! Loïc is Frenchman Number 2.5 on the Eskimos team, as he’s also half-Icelandic. I guess there is just something about these Frenchmen, we just keep on adding them to our team.


Loïc Björn


Travel Expert

Keep calm, and everything will be perfect! This unpredictable land becomes the most peaceful under Andrea's hands. She is from Germany but speaks Icelandic fluently, and despite her best efforts, her German organizing abilities shine through. In fact, she is actively attempting to be late for once. She enjoys mountain hikes and meets free-roaming sheep in her spare time (she even has a traditional lopapeysa with sheep knitted on it). Not to mention, she enjoys going on walks with her dog in search of the Northern Lights, and when she finds them, her dog becomes the main model of the photographs. Her favorite spots are Svartifoss and Ásbyrgi Canyon, especially on a sunny day with few summer winds and flower-filled landscapes.



Travel Expert

Elsa's upbeat demeanor, fiery Italian temperament, and selfless nature make her a joy to work with. Whatever the issue, she always manages to figure out a way to fix it. Elsa has everything under control, and she has a backup plan ready in the blink of an eye in case something goes differently. She hopes to return to the stunning Westfjords of Iceland someday. Her fascination with Iceland stems from its unpredictability and gorgeous colors. Elsa is a night owl rather than a morning person, likes phone calls over emails, and enjoys both Sicilian summer and Icelandic winter. She even grew accustomed to the polar cold after living in Iceland for seven years. Could you imagine?



Travel Expert - on maternity leave

Lára is part of the German-speaking crew in the office. She relocated to Iceland in 2013 and hasn´t looked back since. She lives on a small farm just outside of Reykjavík, along with her family and a couple of animals. The harsh winters there don’t bother her at all, and oh-boy does she love the mass of snow they are getting there! In her spare time, you will most likely find her on the back of a horse, snowboarding, or doing some farm work. She loves exploring the country, and her knowledge of it is unparalleled. No adventure is big enough for her; from glaciers to volcanoes, she has seen it all. She will arrange the greatest activities for you and ensure that your trip is unforgettable.



Travel Expert

Our Rana was born in Lebanon and lived in Abu Dhabi before she settled in Iceland and gave up the sunny climate for love! Her family means everything to her, but as much as she loves her husband and two teenage boys, they’re not allowed to come along on her hikes. Hiking or jogging in the beautiful Icelandic nature is her favorite me-time. With her extensive experience in administration, organizational excellence, and her Masters in Tourism, creating amazing and perfectly organized trips is a piece of cake for her. Speaking of cake, she really loves cooking, and she spoils her boys with wonderful food. We’re jealous of them at the office!




This is Hildur, or Snilldur, as we sometimes call her. “​Snilld“ means “awesome” in Icelandic; if someone tells you something amazing, you can say: “Wow Snilld!” Hildur has many qualities other than being just awesome, she is super efficient, and she will make your stay in Iceland just perfect with all her little details and all her triple-checking everything.




She is the definition of an early bird because she is the first one to arrive at the office in the mornings. If your flight is canceled or delayed, she is usually the first to know and will notify you quickly.
There is no one in the office who is as enthusiastic about food as Björk. She's your go-to person for restaurant recommendations!
Her passion is travel, and she is always on the go, whether in Iceland or fact, you will probably only find her at home when she is undertaking some house renovations.




No one in the office accumulates as many flight miles as she does since she often jets off abroad because she loves traveling. She is our office's Eagle Eye, double-checking everything and ensuring your BBQ and picnic are in tip-top form.
She has an addiction to internet skincare product shopping, so if you need any recommendations, she is your lady!




Heba is the head of our finance team, has vast experience within the Eskimos company, and therefore has many different skills. Among them are ice skating, handball, and ballroom dancing. However, nowadays she loves spending her time doing other activities such as hiking, camping, and calculating our tax returns.



Jóhanna H


Jóhanna is probably the most competitive person in the office, but in spite of that, she is a true team player. She is also the type of person who will truly surprise you with her fondness for listening to metal rock while doing the companies´ accounting, along with being really into computer games and playing Dungeons and Dragons. Jóhanna also enjoys horseback riding, travelling, and grabbing a beer at the pub.

Jóhanna H

Karolina K


Karolina is the most recent addition to our finance team. She has many talents, singing and playing the violin being among them. Currently, she is working on getting her BS in Business Administration with an emphasis in Project Management at Bifröst University, but when she is not studying or singing, she loves spending her time travelling around the country.

Karolina K


Car & office maintenance

“Keep calm and call Ragnar” is a quote often used in the office. With a towering presence and an impressive beard that seems to have its own personality, Ragnar is not just a co-worker but a source of constant joy and laughter. Despite his larger-than-life persona, Ragnar is incredibly reliable. When the going gets tough, you can always count on him to be a pillar of support. He doesn't just meet expectations; he exceeds them in an extraordinary way. His creativity knows no bounds, bringing a unique and fresh perspective to every project he tackles.

In the grand saga of our workplace, Ragnar is undoubtedly a legendary character, weaving humor, reliability, and a touch of the extraordinary into the tapestry of our daily work life.



Car & office maintenance

Meet Krzysztof, a tall and dynamic individual hailing from Poland, whose life is a vibrant blend of sports, fitness, and a passion for Manchester United. In the world of sports, Krzysztof is a devoted football enthusiast, with Manchester United holding a special place in his heart. Whether it's cheering for his favorite team during matches or engaging in lively football discussions, Krzysztof brings the spirit of the game to our workplace.

On the virtual pitch, Krzysztof is not just a football enthusiast but also a FIFA aficionado. His love for the game extends beyond the actual field, as he competes in virtual matches, demonstrating his passion for football both on and off the screen.




Meet Javier, a dynamic and multifaceted individual who brings a unique blend of strength, style, and artistic expression to our workplace. Originally hailing from Spain, Javier's presence is marked by his passion for powerlifting and his distinctive long hair. Javier has an unexpected and intriguing past—he used to be a death metal singer. It's a testament to his versatility and willingness to explore different facets of life.

In our workplace, Javier is more than just a colleague; he's a symbol of resilience, creativity, and the pursuit of personal passions. His background as a powerlifter and former death metal singer infuses our team with a unique energy that inspires us to embrace our individuality and pursue our passions wholeheartedly.




Office hound

Behold, the mighty Frigg, highest of goddesses and Queen of Asgard - our frightening office dog, the pup of Ops. Our cuddly welcome committee, our furry doorbell, and our reminder to keep food out of reach.

Name Department Email Direct line
Friðrik Owner +354 414 1500
Jean Didier General Manager +354 414 1504
Anna Caroline Marketing +354 414 1513
Hugo Marketing +354 414 1512
Jun Þór Groups +354 414 1531
Tamara Sustainability +354 414 1500
Inga Regional Manager - North America +354 414 1514
Andri Þór Sales North America +354 414 1507
Jennifer Sales North America +354 414 1517
Caroline Sales North America +354 414 1511
Þóra Regional Manager - Latin America +354 414 1528
Alba Sales Latin America +354 414 1501
Jóhanna Sales Latin America +354 414 1506
Loïc Björn Regional Manager - Europe, Asia & Middle East +354 414 1505
Andrea Sales EMEA +354 414 1004
Elsa Sales EMEA +354 414 1517
Lára Sales EMEA +354 414 1509
Rana Sales EMEA +354 414 1508
Hildur Head of Operations +354 414 1521
Björk Operations +354 414 1523
Karólína Operations +354 414 1522
Heba Head of Finance +354 414 1524
Jóhanna H Finance +354 414 1506
Karolina K Finance +354 414 1519
Ragnar Head of Maintenance +354 414 1500
Krzysztof Maintenance +354 414 1500
Javier Maintenance +354 414 1500
Frigg Security detail +354 414 1521

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Age of child is from 0 to 16 years

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+354 414 1500

  • Opening hours
  • Time in Iceland now
  • We are closed now!
  • Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00 (GMT)
  • Sat-Sun 08:00-12:00 (GMT)
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  • 11:12 PM now in iceland

This is our office

  • Office Address
  • Skútuvogur 1b
  • 104 Reykjavik Iceland
  • Opening hours
  • Mon-Fri 08:00-17:00 (GMT)
  • Sat-Sun 08:00-12:00 (GMT)

Let us Tailor
Your Perfect Holiday in Iceland!

What we do

  • Handcraft exclusive itineraries in Iceland
  • Favor local & authentic partners
  • Work with experienced & knowledgeable guides
  • Hand-pick suppliers adept at creating awesome memories
  • Keep flexible & add special touches to your holidays

What we don't do

  • Book one activity only
  • Book accommodation only
  • Book international flights
Start planning!

Tell us about you

It is very important for us to be able to know what we are able to do with your time frame of travel, which tours your children are allowed to part take in, and exactly how much fun stuff we can plan into your itinerary.

We are... *
How many are you? *
Number of adults +0-
Number of children* +0-
*Age of child is from 0 to 16 years
Budget per person*

Your travel info

It is good for us to know where you are flying from to be able to schedule your travel days in the best way. All information about hotels is important for us as well, the more you share with us the better we can tailor-make it to fit you!

Do you have flights booked?
Do you need accommodation?
Type of Accommodation

Your trip

If you have any special requests or interests we would love to know so we can put together the best itinerary for you!

We are looking for…

We are interested in...

We would like to see…


How can we reach you?

We will get back to you the way you prefer to be contacted! We will however always send you a mail with our suggestions and follow up with a call if that is what you prefer!

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  • now in iceland
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